讲座题目一:Cyclical Properties and Welfare of Time-Consistent Fiscal Policie
主讲专家:冯志钢 教授
主持人:宋丽智 教授
讲座时间:2023年11月14日 14:30
In this paper we are concerned with cyclical properties and welfare of time-consistent fiscal policies under various scenarios with internal and external public debt, and political turnover. Aggregate taxation and public expenditure must accommodate productivity shocks for elastic factor supplies, the sustainability of the public debt and manipulation of the bond price, and the added impact of political cycles and other structural shocks to aggregate social preferences. For our baseline economy, fiscal policy is mildly pro-cyclical under external debt, and highly pro-cyclical under internal debt. A political cycle in taxation could be welfare improving, and adds substantially more volatility to economic aggregates under external debt. A political cycle in government spending is only welfare improving under internal debt, and adds roughly the same volatility under external and internal debt.
主讲专家:冯志钢 教授
主持人:宋丽智 教授
讲座时间:2023年11月15日 9:30
冯志钢博士,美国内布拉斯加大学经济系教授、必威betway西汉姆联官方网站文澜讲座教授、必威betway西汉姆联官方网站杰出员工。2009至2016年先后在瑞士苏黎世大学金融系、美国普度大学经济系、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校经济系从事宏观经济学、财政学、劳动经济学等研究工作。主要讲授课程为“中级宏观经济学”以及“宏观理论”。在《International Economic Review》、《Quantitative Economics》、《Review of Economic Dynamics》、《Economic Theory》等国际一流学术期刊发表高水平论文多篇。应邀在国际知名学府以及权威学术会议上宣读论文数十余次。多次担任《Journal of Economic Theory》、《Econometrica》、《Journal of Political Economy》等国际一流期刊的匿名审稿人。